Sunday, May 08, 2005


The Quote Sheet - Redux

That's right... it's time for another hundred quotes. You people are just too funny... I can't stop writing. Here are quotes #101-200. They are incredible. Good luck topping these with the third hundred.


2. "I beat up Jake Spilman! I'm beast!" -Lucy

3. "He'd better be a liar. He's writing me a college recommendation." -Taylor, on Mr. Gardner

4. "In Saw, if you had to like help an old lady across the street or die a horrible death, you'd die a horrible death." -Taylor, to Ben

5. "Let me guess the first thing he's going to say... 'that was ridiculous.'" -Taylor, letting Ben into the room
"Okay... that was RIDICULOUS." -Ben

6. "If you don't wanna do this, that's fine. But if you keep Evans from doing it... I am going to kick you in the crotch." -Mr. Cochran, to Taylor, on his calculus problems

7. "I am richer than the majority of the people in this room!" -Alex

8. "No one is my equal... in fight power." -Alex

9. "It talks about three things: equal treatment, treating people equally, and giving the same treatment to people of different faiths." -Mr. Deane

10. "The Soviet Union was AWFUL." -Joel
"Maybe to YOU, Joel. Maybe to YOU!" -Guthrie

11. "Sorry... I just had a bad experience with the death penalty this weekend." -Ben

12. "IQ tests are B.S." -Mr. Deane, silencing a minute-long rant from Alex about his own high IQ

13. "Remember when Evans used to talk all the time? Now he like never says anything." -Alex, interrupting... me

14. "Everyone loves Tennyson... if they have ANY sense at ALL..." -Taylor
"Actually, I prefer Browning." -Mr. Hickerson
"Oh." -Taylor

15. "Put me on the frickin' Supreme Court! I'll interpret everything for you!" -Ben

16. "Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I sat on Mark Washington..." -Tim

17. "Who is this idiot that wrote the Daily Progress? I'm going to kill them." -Ben

18. "Who knows their Latin?" -Mr. Cochran
"Me! Where's Sarah?" -Ben

19. "Who is Herman Melville? That's not what I named my kid!" -Tim

20. "You're... thirty percent gay." -Taylor
"You're 150% fat." -Ben

21. "Is this okay Coch?" -Tim, abbreviating "Cochran"
"Haven't you always wanted to do that?" -Taylor

22. "Could we at least have Scattergories?" -Taylor, as he's locked out of the room

23. "If I jumped off a cliff, would you?" -Taylor
"NO!" -Ben
"He'd push you." -Tim

24. "It sucks to be executed." -Alex

25. "Lydia wants separate but equal! She's racist!" -Ben

26. "No one in this class is of color except for myself." -Alex

27. "Quoth the raven, 'nevermore.' Quoth Taylor, 'you are a ho.'" -Taylor

28. "Are we finding that we need a character list to keep track of his book?" -Mr. Hickerson
"No!" -Taylor
"Oh. Well I do." -Mr. Hickerson
"To each his own." -Taylor

29. "The new hit joint from Tennyson drops this month! It's IN MEMORIAM, yo!" -Taylor

30. "That's blatantly racist, I love it." -Ben

31. "Oh, I hate the ACLU. They're one of those groups that needs to be blown up." -Joel

32. "I'm like a foot taller than you." -Mr. Cochran, to Tim

33. "I don't know what that was, but it was INTENSE." -Ben, on a jellybean

34. "I like sticking it to the man." -Alex

35. "It's an edo. That's 'ode' backwards!" -Taylor, to Mr. Hickerson

36. "I'll do NAFTA, I'll just go bananas." -Ben, on his foreign policy project

37. "Can we hear from our double-X chromosome delegation?" -Mr. Deane
"Who's that?" -Ben
"The males!" -Alex

38. "That teacher looks kind of like you. Only... more... greasy." -Taylor, to Mr. Cochran

39. "Man, my tongue hurts so bad. I need some kind of delicious salve." -Ben

40. "While he's having his extravagant funeral, I'm gonna throw a huge party on the other side of town." -Taylor, on Ben's death

41. "Evans, you're so tall! Cut your feet off!" -Ben

42. "Cochran, I gotta go to the water fountain. The Virginia Blood Services SUCK." -Tim

43. "Make the connection between bubbles and turtles, and then we'll make the connection between bubbles and cities." -Mr. Cochran

44. "I was trying to make it aerodynamic. Sorry." -Ben, explaining his folded-up calc test

45. "Wait, this isn't golf-calculus? I thought I had a new course record!" -Taylor, whose calc test was marked "-30"

46. "Zach, you tripled my score, I hate you." -Ben, on his calc test

47. "I got a B, you SLUT!" -Tim, to me, on his calc test

48. "I'm gonna like die of exhaustion, 'cause I'm so hot." -Ben

49. "EVANS! You Saudi Arabian crackwhore!" -Tim

50. "When I was a little kid, I used to go into every store thinking about how I could rob it." -Taylor, to Mr. Cochran

51. "Just because I break the laws of physics does not make me any less of a person. I'm just extraordinary." -Tim

52. "Sir Isaac Newton's got nothin' on Tim Longo." -Paul

53. "I'm a demigod. I should write a Constitution." -Tim

54. "It's Easter Sunday, and you want me to publish the word 'anally.'" -Ms. Vandever, to Taylor

55. "What conic section is this?" -Mr. Cochran, hoping for the answer "ellipse"
"Hyperbole." -Joel

56. "That's my good side." -Taylor, on a picture of his crotch

57. "What is this?" -Mr. Cochran, holding up two sheets of paper
"My briefs." -Taylor, referring to his legal briefs for his Supreme Court project

58. "So remember that. Old tests can be hazardous to your health." -Ms. Cunningham
"New tests can too." -Me

59. "If I were Moses, I would have flown." Ben, referring to the parting of the Red Sea
"But you can't be Moses, because Moses wasn't gay." -Taylor

60. "That made no sense." -Me
"Your mom made no sense last night, but I fixed her. YES." -Ben
"Why are you yessing? That made no sense either." -Me
"Did you just say 'why are you yessing?'" -Guthrie

61. "We'll handle all 'I'm not gonna be here tomorrow' issues later." -Ms. Cunningham
"Ms. Cunningham, I'm not gonna be here tomorrow." -Guthrie
"Wow... you're graduating in, what, three weeks?" -Ms. Cunningham
"Actually... it's seven." -Paul

62. "In 1989, in Sweden, if your income surpassed forty-six thousand dollars..." -Mr. Deane
"They killed you." -Tim

63. "If both of your parents made $40, 000 a year, then your family could make up to $110,000 a year." -Mr. Deane, explaining income taxes

64. "I've heard that there's a vast right-wing racist conspiracy afoot in the Charlottesville area." -Mr. Deane
"There's a meeting tonight at my house by the way. Joel's gonna bake brownies, it's gonna be awesome." -Tim

65. "Cute boxers, but let's find a real seat." -Mr. Hickerson, to Colin Bertram

66. "Which author is known as the author of Ivanhoe?" -Mr. Cochran
"What?" -Mr. Cochran

67. "I couldn't remember who wrote Ivanhoe, so I just wrote 'Guthrie has the clap.'" -Taylor

68. "Could you repeat the question please?" -Taylor, to Mr. Cochran

69. "That is one good-looking muffin you have there, Mr. Cochran." -Taylor

70. "I am going to hit you over the head." -Ben, to Taylor
"Why, what did he say?" -Me
"Nothing, he was just being gay. I mean, fat." -Ben

71. "I wanna be pope just so I can wear the hat." -Jesse

72. "If there was a perfume that smelled like National Geographic, I would be so turned on." -Taylor

73. "Cochran needs to work on his extrapolation skills." -Taylor
"I'll extrapolate you." -Ben
"Don't even get me started about how I extrapolated your mom." -Taylor

74. "I have recently discovered the joys of apathy." -Taylor, to Mr. Cochran
"Recently?" -Me

75. "Look at this ridiculous balloon! Isn't this a ridiculous balloon? It is a ridiculous balloon!" -Ben
"It's a 'sogging sausage.'" -Guthrie
"It is really struggling!" -Ben

76. "I'm gonna go shoot myself, I'll be right back..." -Me
"Ummm..." -Ben
"Oh. Right." -Me

77. "Do I even have a textbook?" -Ben, on government class

78. "If I was Bill Gates, all I would do is play poker." -Ben

79. "If you had forty billion dollars, you'd become the next Mike Tyson." -Joel, to Ben

80. "This pepper is retarded!" -Ben

81. "Wow, we have eighty quotes already." -Me
"Virginia Tech has an endowment?" -Ben
"Wow, okay... eighty-one." -Me

82. "When I'm king, we'll take all the money out of welfare and put it in the space program." -Ben

83. "Rage against the machine, brothers!" -Mr. Deane

84. "What did you call your study parties in organic chemistry?" -Zach, to Ms. Cunningham (apologies if you don't get it, but trust me, it's funny)

85. "Block periods don't work. Studies have shown that after twenty minutes kids tune out and begin fantasizing." -Mr. Deane

86. "Why would you have faith in Jesus? That is so dumb." -Ben

87. "It's okay Ben, you're going to hell. I'm okay with that." -Taylor

88. "I am going to stab you in the bald spot." -Taylor, to Ben

89. "Does Austin have a Chinatown?" -Me
"It has a Mexico." -Tim

90. "You're inconscious of reality." -Taylor, to Guthrie

91. "I can't imagine that the Middle East is a very cool place to hang out." -Tim

92. "I bet at Taco Bell the bar codes are in Mexican." -Taylor

93. "Oh man, I got sour cream all over my crotch." -Taylor

94. "Everyone is my monkey." -Paul

95. "Guthrie, let me grope you!" -Ben

96. "What time is it?" -Brian
"I could tell you if I had my phone, but I don't." -Me
"It's in my pants." -Zach

97. "Poor Indians." -Lydia, upon tasting the mango chutney in her Indian food order

98. "Hey, where's my phone... oh wait, it's in MY pants now! HA!" -Me

99. "That's gross!" -Lydia
"Your mom!" -Zach (on Mother's Day no less)

100. "AAH, I BROKE MY HIP! THAT IS RIDICULOUS!" -Me, doing my best Ben impression and trying to imagine this quote sheet in sixty years
Mr. Definitelynotkeepinghisweightatahealthylevel has some interesting insights. I commend him for them.
Cort, I am going to mortgage your house and foreclose on it. Shut your mouth.

My top ten are in order from first to tenth as follows...

66. "Which author is known as the author of Ivanhoe?" -Mr. Cochran
"What?" -Mr. Cochran

75. "Look at this ridiculous balloon! Isn't this a ridiculous balloon? It is a ridiculous balloon!" -Ben
"It's a 'sogging sausage.'" -Guthrie
"It is really struggling!" –Ben

79. "If you had forty billion dollars, you'd become the next Mike Tyson." -Joel, to Ben

6. "If you don't wanna do this, that's fine. But if you keep Evans from doing it... I am going to kick you in the crotch." -Mr. Cochran, to Taylor, on his calculus problems

100. "AAH, I BROKE MY HIP! THAT IS RIDICULOUS!" -Me, doing my best Ben impression and trying to imagine this quote sheet in sixty years

93. "Oh man, I got sour cream all over my crotch." –Taylor

39. "Man, my tongue hurts so bad. I need some kind of delicious salve." –Ben

49. "EVANS! You Saudi Arabian crackwhore!" -Tim

56. "That's my good side." -Taylor, on a picture of his crotch

33. "I don't know what that was, but it was INTENSE." -Ben, on a jellybean

And I leave you with this...

EvanWithAnS: wow, three of my top ten involve taylor's crotch
EvanWithAnS: that is SO wrong
durandal seven: maybe you're the gay one
The comment was removed by ITS author, not by the blog's author.

I have no clue who wrote a comment, but it sure wasn't me.

Oh snap, Pilkington v. Clinchy just got thrown out of court. What a shame.
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